Monday, 23 February 2015

A Taste Of South America

Camu camu berries are a fruit that is indigenous to Brazil and can also be found in Peru, Columbia and Venezuela. It looks quite like a red grape and the flesh is white.  
The taste is quite tangy or sour. These berries have grown in popularity and are part of the super food trend that other South American exports have been part of which include maca and acai berries.

Camu camu berries contain up to 60 times more vitamin C than an orange! Vitamin C is an essential nutrient as it supports the structure and maintenance of the connective tissue. Vitamin C also  to boost and keep the immune system healthy.  

While there have not be in depth studies in the benefits of camu camu berries, it is believed that it may improve your mood and boost the immune system.

Camu camu capsules
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The other nutrients in camu camu berries include iron (which helps to make red blood cells), potassium (needed for muscles to help it contract) and vitamins B2 and B3 (which is needed for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients).  

Camu camu berries cannot really be found in typical supermarkets but it is does come in other forms. For example, camu camu berries come in powder and in capsules  which are available on The Finchley Clinic. If using the powder as mentioned above, camu camu is quite sour so this should be in mind if you are mixing the powder with water. The powder can easily be added to smoothies.

Providing a convenient way to gain all the health benefits that may occur with the fruit, camu camu powder can be used daily.

If you are interested in buying Camu camu capsules then please visit The Finchley Clinic

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