Friday, 23 December 2016

You Are What You Eat and Drink

Many of the countries of the world have a national drink such as whisky in Scotland and aquavit in Scandinavia.

In those two cases, along with many other examples that could be given, the translation is the same; it means water of life.

Whilst on the surface it seems strange that a powerful alcoholic drink should be associated with long life there is one possible explanation.

The biggest killer of people for many centuries was contaminated water. Throughout history tens of millions of people have died of the disease and not until 1854 did a London doctor trace a particularly nasty outbreak back to a sewage contaminated well.

At that time, as the famous Holbein painting revealed, women were constantly drunk on cheap gin. Those that drank water were likely to die a horrible death but those that drank beer and gin lived longer.

Today there are many that are convinced pretty well all medical problems begin with the food and drink we take. Obesity is the obvious one with far too much sugar in foods and drinks.

Where a child is given a tin of fizzy drink containing several spoons of sugar, some plain drinking water would be better.

There are good arguments for chlorine to be added to tap water. After all, all water is constantly recycled and a trace of chlorine might just hold back some contaminates. Many people have a favourite spring water and a few will favour crystal energy water.

For the uninitiated this product is also known as Hunza water. It is sourced from ancient ice deposits somewhere in the mountains north of India.

The theory is that this water is as near to virgin as possible. It may have been frozen many thousands of years ago and apart from anything else is rich in silica.

Constant hydration is a necessary part of a healthy body and whether your choice is the water of life or crystal energy is entirely your choice of tipple.

Monday, 19 December 2016

Three Things You Should Do to Keep Your Colon Happy

Do you want a happy colon? It’s probably not something that you’ve thought about before, but a happy colon is a healthy colon, and a healthy colon will contribute to overall feelings of wellbeing. If you want to feel good, you better be sure that your colon is functioning well. Below, you'll find three things that will help to keep your colon happy and healthy.

1.    Eat the Right Foods.
Your colon LOVES fibre-rich foods. There are two types of fibre – insoluble and soluble – and your body loves them both. You can find both types of fibre in fruit and vegetables, and just the insoluble fibre in grain and wheat-rich foods.

They play a different role within the colon. Soluble fibre draws water into the lower digestive system, making your stools soft and easy to pass. Insoluble fibre acts as a sweep; it literally sweeps through the digestive system picking up debris as it goes and allowing you to pass it as faeces.

2.    Stop Eating Bad Foods.

Your colon has a hard time digesting certain types of food. In particular, it does not like processed food. Processed food is unnatural and our bodies are not used to processing them. Consequently, we don’t have the tools to digest them properly, and this can lead to our bodies become overworked.

Be kind to your colon: eat natural and unprocessed foods as much as possible. It’s ok to break the rules occasionally, but don’t do it every meal!

3.    Take a Colon-Enhancing Supplement
There are many supplements on the market that can help you maintain good colonic health. Oxy capsules are a particularly good one. They help to clean the colon and give it a boost. You don’t have to take them every day, but maybe for one week out of every four. They will help to bring balance to your digestive system and your colon will be happy with this.

We hope that you have found this article useful. For further help and advice about maintaining good colonic health, please visit

Saturday, 17 December 2016

4 Home Remedies for Cleaning a Sluggish Colon

A “sluggish colon”: it’s a bit of a weird expression, isn’t it? However, dodgy imagery aside, it’s actually something that affects a great many people. It has many causes, from poor diet to a lack of exercise.

The results can be problematic and include diarrhoea interspersed with constipation (or vice versa), terrible gas and bloating, and a general feeling of lethargy. We’re sure that you’ll agree that this is something most of us want to avoid.

At its worst, you will have to visit a doctor, but if you only suffer from mild discomfort, then there are things that you can do at home in order to help. Here, we are going to explore 7 home remedies for a sluggish colon.

Home Remedy 1: Drink Plenty of Water
Many times, constipation is actually caused by a lack of hydration. If you aren’t drinking enough (which for most people is 8 glasses/1.5lt of liquid a day), then you are much more likely to suffer with constipation, and ultimately, sluggish bowels.

The body creates lubrication to move waste products thought the lower digestive tract and colon. If you aren’t hydrated, it can’t create this lubrication and your waste product (faeces) stays too long in one place.

Home Remedy 2: Drinking Lemon Juice
Add a splash of lemon to your drinks to help digestion a little more. As many of you will know, lemon is a wonderful cleanser. This is why you find it in many products from washing up liquid to cold and flu medicines. It can help to clean your colon.

Home Remedy 3: Eat Plenty of Raw Vegetables
Raw veg contains both soluble and insoluble fibre, both of which keep your colon clean. The soluble fibre draws water to the bowels (i.e. for lubrication and to loosen stools), and the insoluble fibre acts as a broom, literally sweeping away waste products.

Home Remedy 4: Take a Colon Cleansing Supplement
You probably know about the value of enemas and colonic irrigation, but maybe wish to avoid them because they're a little embarrassing and a lot invasive. If so, you can simply take a colon-cleansing supplement. Many people choose to buy Oxy Powder because it is one of the best on the market. It can help to clear that colon in no time at all.

If you would like to buy Oxy Powder, please visit our website.