Monday, 8 February 2016

Diet and Supplements Should Eliminate Candida

It may surprise you, but candida is a more common problem that you may think.  There are various strains of the yeast fungus.  Any of these can occur again if you do not change your lifestyle.

You should begin with changing your diet because if you do not, no amount of dietary supplements will help you.

What is candida and how can you best combat it? The first thing that you have to do is to ban sugars, refined flours and yeast from your diet. The reason for this is that candida is a yeast fungus that thrives when these products are consumed.

Other factors that cause this fungus to thrive are a course of antibiotics, some birth control pills and underlying illnesses such as diabetes

When you experience an overgrowth, you could feel really under the weather. You may suffer bloating and flatulence, but an outbreak of thrush or a candida attack in the vagina is an outward sign that you are experiencing a proliferation of the yeast fungus.

When after a few weeks your symptoms die down you can introduce sugary foods such as fruits gradually. You will want to build up your immune responses so that the fungus can be kept in check.

Vegetables are a good thing to eat as they generally do not contain sugars.  If you like beetroot, you may want to eliminate this vegetable for a while as when cooked they have a high sugar content.

It is also beneficial to eliminate shellfish and prawns because the seas are polluted and they can contain high proportions of heavy metals, toxins and radioactive materials.

There are some good natural dietary supplements available that will help combatting candida.  They work by introducing increased amounts of oxygen to your intestinal tract.  They can either be probiotics or oxygenating preparations.

You need to understand that good bacteria love and need oxygen to survive.  Once a balance of your gut flora has been re-established the candida symptoms should subside.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

How Can You Tell If You're Suffering from Candida Overgrowth?

Candida overgrowth is one of those difficult conditions that can often pass for other issues; the reverse is true, too: other issues can appear to be candida. For this reason, it is incrediblydifficult to diagnose. Add to this the confounding issue that it affects different people in different ways and it can feel nigh on impossible to find out if you have it, or not.

But, don’t worry. Armed with the correct information, you can easily work out if you have a candida infection. Here, we’re going to walk you through the process.

Symptom 1: How Do You Feel Emotionally?
Because candida can take a toll on the body, it can also take a toll on the mind too. When a person is chronically ill, or suffering long term, they can often become depressed or anxious. If you’ve been feeling low, hyper vigilant, angry, and irritable, then this could indicate candida.

Symptom 2: How Does Your Mind Feel?
Are you having difficulty concentrating and paying attention? Is your memory suffering? If so, you might be experiencing what others call ‘brain fog’. It’s a terrible cognitive affliction and it is associated with candida overgrowth. In fact, it is one of the main candida symptoms

Clearly, symptom 1 & 2 are nowhere near enough to diagnose candida, as these symptoms are indicative of many other issues too, including traumatic brain injury, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and chronic fatigue. So, while a symptom may be the hall mark of a candida infection, that does not mean that every (or even a majority) of people suffering with that symptom have the infection. This is why it’s important to consider the rest of the candida symptoms, too.

Symptom 3: How Is Your Digestion?
When people have candida infections, they can suffer from a wide variety of digestive issues, including:

•    Diarrhoea
•    Gas
•    Bloating
•    Acid indigestion
•    Constipation
•    Uncontrollable Itching

Of all symptoms, the last one tends to be the most common.

Symptom 4: How Is Your Skin &Mouth?
Certain types of fungal infection are associated with candida. These are:

•    Fungal nail infection
•    Some types of dermatitis
•    Athlete’s foot
•    Jock’sitch

Your mouth can also develop fungal infections. When this happens, you will frequently see a white coating on the tongue or around the mouth. At later stages, you will develop issues such as sores at the side of your mouth, canker sores, and a cracked tongue.

Behind your ears, you might develop a thick white ‘scum’, which can sometimes smell like cheese. Some people also have problems with light sensitivity.

Symptom 5: Your Genitals
Finally, a clear sign of a candida infection are recurrent bouts of thrush. This is definitely a candida infection. However, occasionally people can mistake bacterial vaginosis for thrush, and then end up treating candida instead of the BV. Fortunately, you can buy special testing kits that tell you which you have.

Taken together, these symptoms are strongly indicative of a candida infection: especially symptom 5. If you think you may be suffering from a candida infection then please visit your doctor who will be able to provide treatment.

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Candida Symptoms and Control

One of the most common infections that millions of people suffer from across the globe is Candida Albicans.

Thursday, 31 December 2015

It’s Hard To Know If You’ve Got It

An attack of candida is not easy to diagnose properly and even your local health professional is prone to treating for something completely unrelated.

Being Candid About Candida

An outbreak of candida can reveal itself in many places and it can also be hidden and therefore much more difficult to diagnose.

14 Good Bacteria In 1

There are a number of supplements that contain high doses of good bacteria all known collectively as probiotics.

Monday, 28 December 2015

How looking your best this Christmas starts from the inside

December is notoriously known for being a month that is packed full of social commitments. Whether it’s an office party, a suave dinner at a fancy restaurant or a mini break away, no doubt you’ll have already started to think about what to wear in order to look your best.