Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Four Things to Remember When Carrying Out a Colon Cleansing Routine

There are many different methods of colon cleansing, from invasive procedures, such as colonic irrigation, to health supplements such as Oxy powder. However, regardless of your choice of procedure, if you choose to carry out a colon cleanse, you need to be aware of four things.

1.    The Medical Advice
The first thing to do when opting for a colon cleanse is to discuss the process with your GP or with a health professional. Invasive procedure, such as colonic irrigation, are used by the NHS (e.g. before a colonoscopy), but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are right for you. For example, if you're taking certain medication, it could actually be counterproductive, and instead, you might need to buy Oxy powder, or something similar, that is much less invasive.

2.    Clean Equipment
If you’re undertaking a colon cleanse or enema, then you need to be extremely careful and ensure that all the equipment that you use is clean and safe. Clearly, because you're dealing with waste products, there can be cross contamination of bacteria and other nasty things. Hygiene and cleanliness is of the utmost importance if you want to stay safe. However, as with the previous point, if you buy Oxy powder, you don’t have to worry so much about cleanliness, but you do need to make sure that the produce is safe and still has its seal when it arrives.

3.    Make Sure You Know What You're Taking
Before you ingest a supplement, you must insure that you are aware of all the ingredients within the product. It’s important that you know what you're taking so that you can avoid things such as allergic reactions.

4.     Make Sure You Rehydrate
Colon cleanses usually entail a fair amount of water loss. It’s important that you rehydrate by drinking water or a drink that contains electrolytes.

Are you interested in buying a colon cleanser? If so, find more information at www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Searching For Long Life

When we get old the degenerative process that gives us joint aches and pains along with wasting muscle and wrinkly skin, comes down to the reduction of one particular protein.

Collagen is often referred to as the glue that keeps us looking youthful. It’s the most abundant protein in the body as it’s found everywhere from skin to muscle and bones and blood.

It makes up all the sinew and cartilage and is therefore particularly necessary in joints preventing bone rubbing against bone.

Our grandparents instinctively knew the benefits of beef bone broth as it’s now shown to be a good source of collagen. But we can also take it in an easier form as a supplement called Collaflex.

There’s hardly any part of the body that doesn’t benefit from this top-up of collagen including the gut. A sufferer of leaky bowel syndrome that almost certainly means toxins absorbed into the blood, will usually derive benefit from taking this product.

It is thought to create connective tissues and therefore seals any weakened part of the gut lining. As humans have known from ancient times, gut problems can lead to a myriad number of seemingly unconnected illnesses.

There are several different types of naturally occurring collagen and apart from bone broth, most fish as well as egg-white are other examples of a good source.

We’ll never reverse ageing but we can at least strive to keep as fit and well as possible for as long as we can.
We talk about people ageing well or conversely, badly and it’s true that a sixty year old can look older than someone twenty years their senior. Collagen or lack of it, plays a very important part in these opposing appearances.

Just like any other protein and amino acid, some people just happen to have different levels. But if there is anything we can do to help top-up collagen then it must surely be worth taking products that in the long term are good for our well-being as well as appearance.

Friday, 23 December 2016

You Are What You Eat and Drink

Many of the countries of the world have a national drink such as whisky in Scotland and aquavit in Scandinavia.

In those two cases, along with many other examples that could be given, the translation is the same; it means water of life.

Whilst on the surface it seems strange that a powerful alcoholic drink should be associated with long life there is one possible explanation.

The biggest killer of people for many centuries was contaminated water. Throughout history tens of millions of people have died of the disease and not until 1854 did a London doctor trace a particularly nasty outbreak back to a sewage contaminated well.

At that time, as the famous Holbein painting revealed, women were constantly drunk on cheap gin. Those that drank water were likely to die a horrible death but those that drank beer and gin lived longer.

Today there are many that are convinced pretty well all medical problems begin with the food and drink we take. Obesity is the obvious one with far too much sugar in foods and drinks.

Where a child is given a tin of fizzy drink containing several spoons of sugar, some plain drinking water would be better.

There are good arguments for chlorine to be added to tap water. After all, all water is constantly recycled and a trace of chlorine might just hold back some contaminates. Many people have a favourite spring water and a few will favour crystal energy water.

For the uninitiated this product is also known as Hunza water. It is sourced from ancient ice deposits somewhere in the mountains north of India.

The theory is that this water is as near to virgin as possible. It may have been frozen many thousands of years ago and apart from anything else is rich in silica.

Constant hydration is a necessary part of a healthy body and whether your choice is the water of life or crystal energy is entirely your choice of tipple.

Monday, 19 December 2016

Three Things You Should Do to Keep Your Colon Happy

Do you want a happy colon? It’s probably not something that you’ve thought about before, but a happy colon is a healthy colon, and a healthy colon will contribute to overall feelings of wellbeing. If you want to feel good, you better be sure that your colon is functioning well. Below, you'll find three things that will help to keep your colon happy and healthy.

1.    Eat the Right Foods.
Your colon LOVES fibre-rich foods. There are two types of fibre – insoluble and soluble – and your body loves them both. You can find both types of fibre in fruit and vegetables, and just the insoluble fibre in grain and wheat-rich foods.

They play a different role within the colon. Soluble fibre draws water into the lower digestive system, making your stools soft and easy to pass. Insoluble fibre acts as a sweep; it literally sweeps through the digestive system picking up debris as it goes and allowing you to pass it as faeces.

2.    Stop Eating Bad Foods.

Your colon has a hard time digesting certain types of food. In particular, it does not like processed food. Processed food is unnatural and our bodies are not used to processing them. Consequently, we don’t have the tools to digest them properly, and this can lead to our bodies become overworked.

Be kind to your colon: eat natural and unprocessed foods as much as possible. It’s ok to break the rules occasionally, but don’t do it every meal!

3.    Take a Colon-Enhancing Supplement
There are many supplements on the market that can help you maintain good colonic health. Oxy capsules are a particularly good one. They help to clean the colon and give it a boost. You don’t have to take them every day, but maybe for one week out of every four. They will help to bring balance to your digestive system and your colon will be happy with this.

We hope that you have found this article useful. For further help and advice about maintaining good colonic health, please visit https://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/

Saturday, 17 December 2016

4 Home Remedies for Cleaning a Sluggish Colon

A “sluggish colon”: it’s a bit of a weird expression, isn’t it? However, dodgy imagery aside, it’s actually something that affects a great many people. It has many causes, from poor diet to a lack of exercise.

The results can be problematic and include diarrhoea interspersed with constipation (or vice versa), terrible gas and bloating, and a general feeling of lethargy. We’re sure that you’ll agree that this is something most of us want to avoid.

At its worst, you will have to visit a doctor, but if you only suffer from mild discomfort, then there are things that you can do at home in order to help. Here, we are going to explore 7 home remedies for a sluggish colon.

Home Remedy 1: Drink Plenty of Water
Many times, constipation is actually caused by a lack of hydration. If you aren’t drinking enough (which for most people is 8 glasses/1.5lt of liquid a day), then you are much more likely to suffer with constipation, and ultimately, sluggish bowels.

The body creates lubrication to move waste products thought the lower digestive tract and colon. If you aren’t hydrated, it can’t create this lubrication and your waste product (faeces) stays too long in one place.

Home Remedy 2: Drinking Lemon Juice
Add a splash of lemon to your drinks to help digestion a little more. As many of you will know, lemon is a wonderful cleanser. This is why you find it in many products from washing up liquid to cold and flu medicines. It can help to clean your colon.

Home Remedy 3: Eat Plenty of Raw Vegetables
Raw veg contains both soluble and insoluble fibre, both of which keep your colon clean. The soluble fibre draws water to the bowels (i.e. for lubrication and to loosen stools), and the insoluble fibre acts as a broom, literally sweeping away waste products.

Home Remedy 4: Take a Colon Cleansing Supplement
You probably know about the value of enemas and colonic irrigation, but maybe wish to avoid them because they're a little embarrassing and a lot invasive. If so, you can simply take a colon-cleansing supplement. Many people choose to buy Oxy Powder because it is one of the best on the market. It can help to clear that colon in no time at all.

If you would like to buy Oxy Powder, please visit our website.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

When Should You Consider Taking an Oxygen Supplement for Digestion?

There are relatively new supplements on the market that help people improve their digestion, and that contain oxygen. They are extremely beneficial, and yet, some people do not understand when they are appropriate for use. This is a shame, because it means people are needlessly suffering symptoms.

Below, we are going to look at six things that may indicate that you can benefit from an oxygen supplement, such as Colosan.

  •                You find that you strain a lot when passing bowel movements.
Straining is not a normal thing to do. Stools should pass easily – they should not be loose, but neither should they be difficult to pass.

  •                You find that you become constipated often or easily.
Closely linked to the issue mentioned above, constipation is not something that should happen to you often. If it does, it’s an indication that something is wrong. You should try a supplement to see if it helps. If it doesn’t, then it’s time to visit a doctor.

  •         You have flatulence, bloating, and gas.
While this is something that does happen often, regardless of how healthy you are, it is not something that should hurt. If you frequently suffer from painful gas and bloating, then an oxygen supplement like Colosan may be just what you need.

  •    You have a candida overgrowth.
If you frequently suffer from oral or genital thrush, then you might have a candida infection. Oxygen supplements can help to address the issue by creating conditions that the candida infection dislikes.

  •           You frequently feel tired and run down.
OK, so this is a common side effect of modern life, but sometimes the solution can be as simple as taking a supplement. For some people, an oxygen supplement will help to boost their energy levels massively.

  •         You have tried colon cleansers but they have not worked.
Oxygen supplements serve to clean the colon. If you have undergone other treatments, such as irrigation, then you might want to try a less invasive solution, such as a supplement. We would recommend it as your first port of call before opting for anything more invasive.

We hope that you now have a better understanding of the types of symptom that can be addressed with an oxygenated supplement. If you would like further information, then please visit https://www.thefinchleyclinic.com

How You Can Help Boost Skin Health

We’re always being told to boost our skin by rubbing lotions and potions into it, but actually, there are natural ways to boost skin health. Today, we’re going to look at five things that you can do to boost the health of your skin.

1.       Increase the amount of dark green vegetables that you eat.
These tend to contain a lot of vitamin a and c, both of which are vital to healthy skin. You will find after increasing the amount of things like Kale, spinach, and broccoli that your skin will feel and look much better. The only thing we would warn against is eating it raw as the oxalic acid can actually damage your teeth. That’s why green smoothies can sometimes make your mouth feel really odd, and in extreme cases, even cause blistering.

2.       Increase the amount of water you drink if you drink less than 1.5lt per day.
If you've never tracked water intake, start doing it now. Dehydrating is one of the leading causes of skin problems. If you find you regularly drink less than the recommended daily intake, then start upping levels. You will generally feel your health improve significantly.

3.       Take a probiotic supplement like Fivelac.
Fivelac¸ and other probiotics, can go a long way to improving the appearance of your skin. This is because they are responsible for minimising skin-damaging bacteria and yeast, such as the candida infection. They help to keep our skin clean and free from infection, and naturally, that helps to boost its appearance of health. Many people find their skin improves dramatically after including a probiotic in their diet. It’s great stuff.

We hope that you now have a decent idea about some of the things that you can do to improve your skin. They’re so simple, that you'll wonder why it took you so long to incorporate them.

If you would like further help and advice, please visit www.thefinchleyclinic.com