Friday, 12 December 2014

Eating for a Healthy Bowel

Bowel health is important. It’s probably the second most important system in the body, after the brain.
The bowel is responsible for absorbing vitamins, minerals and nutrients from our food. It is only with a healthy bowel that the rest of our organs work as well as they should. It is important that you look after your bowels, and much of this rests on eating the right food. Here, we’re going to look at how to eat for a healthy bowel.

Whole grains: if you haven’t already, you should consider swapping white wheat with brown whole grains. This means eating brown bread instead of white, and eating whole pasta instead of white pasta. However, you might be able to eat white pasta if you cook it twice. You have to cook it, let it cool down, then cook it again and it will provide as much non-soluble fibre as brown pasta. This is a new discovery, so you may want to do your own research in order to verify the science.

Smaller meals: you want to reduce the amount of food that the bowels process at any one time. The more they have to process, the less efficient they will be and the more strained they will become. Give your bowels a break by eating smaller, easier to manage, meals.

Eat a balanced diet: you need to eat a varied diet if you want to keep your bowels healthy. This means eating plenty of fruit and veg – doctors recommend between seven and 9 pieces of fruit or veg a day, with more emphasis on vegetables than fruit. You also need to eat adequate amounts of protein, and they recommend eating lean meats, eggs and fish, rather than red meats.

Take a supplement: taking a supplement such as Colosan capsules, which are specifically indicated in maintaining a healthy bowel, can help immensely. Colosan capsules, and similar supplements, will help to keep your bowels regular.

If you would like further information about colosan capsules, then please visit thefinchleyclinic
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