Candida seems to
be a buzzword in recent years. It appears that everyone and their dog have a
candida infection, and this might not be too far from the truth. It’s extremely
common. Here, we're going to take a look at some of the common symptoms of
candida. If you have any of the following, then you should consider treatment
for a candida infection.
Candida symptoms are many
and varied. The majority of people know the key candida symptoms, but we will consider them anyway, just in case
you don’t.
Fungal infections: numerous
fungal infections can indicate an overabundance of candida. Common infections
include thrush, athlete’s foot, and jock’s itch.
Cognitive dysfunction: this is
a common symptom of modern life, and more often than not, it is caused by something
other than the candida yeast. However, if you experience difficulties in
concentration, memory problems, and brain fog, then candida could be the
culprit. A short treatment should let you know whether this is the case, or
Chronic Fatigue and
Fibromyalgia: these are two of the hardest ailments to treat, and it’s because
they have so many different causes. For example, CFS has been linked to a
condition called idiopathic intracranial hypertension. It’s estimated that up
to 20% of people with CFS have IIH. We understand that these illnesses lead
people around in circles looking for a cure. However, candida treatment is
worth a try. It may account for up to 5% of cases, and you never know, you may
be one of the lucky ones who find their answer with candida.
Skin problems: there are a
number of common skin complaints linked to the candida infection. These include
eczema, acne, hives, and psoriasis. Again, it is not a catch all category,
merely that some of the time the solution is to treat a candida infection.