When the new baby is born often with a smack to his or her bum the rude arrival into this world elicits a scream.
Just as the poet
wrote about not going silent into the night, death and birth have the same
sense of indignity and anger because of course we have absolutely no control
over either.
The baby is born
without any bacteria and yet even as it arrives through the birth canal
billions of these microscopic creatures are attaching themselves to the skin
and entering the mouth and nostrils on their way to occupying the whole of the
digestive tract.
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Eventually, as
an adult there will be over a collective two kilos of them in our body and many
of these are involved in the essential business of breaking down food in the
intestines and releasing the nutrients to be absorbed into our blood.
Of the thousand
or so different strains of bacteria all are either aerobic or anaerobic which
means some must have oxygen to survive whilst the other type needs none.
Whilst the body
works perfectly well ensuring a supply of oxygen molecules in the intestines
our often very poor diet over-laced with too much sugar and salt occasionally could
do with an oxygen boost and this leads us to Oxy powder.
As the name
implies, this powder contains molecules of oxygen designed to be released in
the intestines. The way to the intestines is through the stomach and the powder
must survive the hydrochloric acids and other acids in this part of the
digestive tract.
In some birds
and mammals the stomach contains far stronger acid than our own and this is how
dogs turn bone into mush in a very short time.
The powder
survives the passage through the stomach and the oxygen is released into the
intestines where aerobic bacteria are strengthened by their arrival.
The result is
often felt quite quickly as any slowing of the digestive system gets a kick
start that can relieve constipation and any bloated feeling.
For Oxy powder Log on to thefinchleyclinic
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