Thursday 3 April 2014


Good and bad bacteria exist in and on our bodies and although they cannot be seen by the human eye every adult has over two kilos of them.

The strange thing is that when we are safely inside our mother’s womb we have none at all but the second we come into the world the bacteria finds a way in through the mouth to lungs and stomach.

We call the thousands of completely different bacteria in us good and bad but another way of looking at these wonders of Nature is to say they are all good as the competition between the combined lots is what helps our bodies build a good immune system.

Some of the bacteria are actually yeasts and the one we have in our intestines that can get out of control is candida which can lead to unpleasant problems.


If you accept the strong argument that a poor digestive system can lead to most illnesses then an outbreak of candida can be the result of a poor diet. As all yeasts thrive on sugar the first thing to do is to avoid sugars.
The sugar lobby is probably more powerful than the tobacco lobby and it infuriates many concerned people that soft fizzy drinks still contain huge amounts of refined sugar.

Having sorted the diet out and cut down on sugar, there are various products that can be taken to reduce the growth of candida. It is important to know that these products work with varying degrees of success and they are not to be thought of as conventional medicines but they are based on natural substances and founded on the certain fact the probiotics are a good thing.

Threelac is the one product that seems to have helped a good number of people but a change in diet should also be taken as well.

As a probiotic compound it is also worth adding to your new healthy diet some daily live yoghurt or Kefir as both have mountains of healthy bacteria and have been tried and tested throughout history in hot climates where good and bad bacteria thrive.


See our Threelac video:

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