Tuesday 22 August 2017

The Wonderful Benefits of Olive Oil

Have you ever wondered why people in the Mediterranean area tend to have longer lifespans and to look better than people in other parts of the world? Probably not, but if you have, you should know that much of it comes down to their lifestyle and diet – they take siestas when they’re tired and they include plenty of fresh vegetables and olive oil. Today, we are interested in olive oil and its effect on health. 

Olive oil plays a huge role in the human body it is full of wonderful properties that make it perfect as an adjunct to our diet. Whether you're using extra virgin olive oil or ozonated olive oil, incorporating it into your everyday life can go a long way to improving your health. Here are a few things it can do:

1. It has neuroprotective properties.
Olive oil helps to keep the myelin sheath plump and functional. This sheath is part of a neuron and it enables electrical activity to pass through the neuron as intended. Without it, messages get lost and we suffer brain disturbances, such as dementia.

2. It helps keep our joints supple
If you want to minimise the risk of developing arthritis, and the risk of developing joint pain, then increase the amount of olive oil you consume. It helps to keep joints fluid and lubricated, thus preventing the rubbing of bone on bone (which is painful!). You can also rub it into your skin, in the form of ozonated olive oil.

While there’s no scientific evidence that this works, there are many anecdotal accounts of it working, and the reason for the lack of science is that it simply isn’t worth investigating. There’s no money to be made from something that comes so easily.

3. It helps reduce bad cholesterol.
Cholesterol – the bad kind, anyway – will clog your arteries over the years. This will lead to plenty of problems, from heart attacks and angina, to vascular dementia and migraine. Olive oil contains the good cholesterol, which helps keep the bad at bay.

Are you interested in finding out more about the benefits of olive oil? If so, please visit https://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/.

Monday 21 August 2017

The 3 Most Important Things to Look for When Choosing a Probiotic Supplement

As far as supplements go, probiotics are one of the best to choose. This is because the effects of probiotics are well proven. We know that they help our bodies to carry out a wide range of functions.

However, before you rush out and buy just any probiotic supplement, it’s important that you understand the 3 most important things that you should be looking for from your probiotic supplement. We will outline these now:

1: Make Sure That It Contains Numerous Strains
Our bodies work with many types of probiotic, so it makes sense to take a multi-strain supplement. This will help to ensure that you get the widest coverage in terms of health benefits. 

We recommend taking a supplement such as Fivelac, which contains five different strains of probiotic. This should be sufficient to provide you with a range of health benefits.

2: Make Sure That They Are In-Date
Too many people fail to realise that probiotics have a shelf life. These are living organisms, and as such, they die after a certain length of time.

You should never buy a probiotic supplement that does not sport a Use-By date, because this indicates that the manufacture is unaware of the live-nature of probiotics. As such, they will not have looked after them adequately, and it’s highly likely that they will be dead.

While consuming dead probiotics is unlikely to result in any harm, it also won’t result in any of the health benefits that you would see from taking a live supplement.

Always consume the supplement within the use-by date in order to ensure that you are taking live cultures.

3: Make Sure the Supplement Has an Adequate CFU Rating
CFU stands for “colony forming units”. This is the amount of organisms within the probiotic of each different strain. The CFU must be more than 300 million if the probiotic is to work. Any less than that and it will not be able to take hold within your body, meaning that they will die or they will be passed through the system. They will not colonise and will therefore not provide you with benefits. Using a supplement such as Fivelac, which has a CFU of 500 million per strain, is highly likely to lead to success.

Are you interested in buying a probiotic supplement? If you are, please visit https://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/.

3 Ways to Kick Start Your Diet and Give Yourself the Best Chance of Success

When it comes to sticking to a long-term diet, very few people can do it. Many lose a bit of weight and then give up, putting it all back on again. However, with careful preparation, you can give yourself a much stronger chance of success. Below, we have provided details of 3 ways that can help you to kick start your diet.

Step 1: Managing Access to Food
If you want to minimise the risk of eating bad food, minimise your exposure to it. Research shows that our will power is finite. The more you use it, the weaker it becomes – until you go to sleep and wake up replenished the following day.

The best thing to do for your diet is to get rid of all the bad food in your house. If that isn’t possible, e.g. you have roommates or kids, label the food as the other persons’. For example, if you have a kid called “Jake”, write his name on the crisps. This works for many people. 

Step 2: Get Your Cravings Under Control
In order to get your cravings under control quickly, you can engage in a mini-detox by using Oxy Powder. This is a colon cleanser, it will help your body get rid of compacted matter, and this in turn helps to reduce cravings. It won’t eliminate cravings entirely, but it will definitely help minimise them.

Step 3: Write It Down
One of the best ways of sticking to a diet is to plan ahead. Write down what you are going to eat tomorrow. This way you have a list of foods you’re allowed to eat. It makes it much more likely that you will stick to the list and avoid wandering. This is why apps, such as MyFitnessPal, are so popular for dieters. They really do work.

Are you interested in learning more about the relationship between Oxy Powder and weight loss? If so, please visit https://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/.