Tuesday 18 October 2016

When Should You Consider Taking an Oxygen Supplement for Digestion?

There are relatively new supplements on the market that help people improve their digestion, and that contain oxygen. They are extremely beneficial, and yet, some people do not understand when they are appropriate for use. This is a shame, because it means people are needlessly suffering symptoms.

Below, we are going to look at six things that may indicate that you can benefit from an oxygen supplement, such as Colosan.

  •                You find that you strain a lot when passing bowel movements.
Straining is not a normal thing to do. Stools should pass easily – they should not be loose, but neither should they be difficult to pass.

  •                You find that you become constipated often or easily.
Closely linked to the issue mentioned above, constipation is not something that should happen to you often. If it does, it’s an indication that something is wrong. You should try a supplement to see if it helps. If it doesn’t, then it’s time to visit a doctor.

  •         You have flatulence, bloating, and gas.
While this is something that does happen often, regardless of how healthy you are, it is not something that should hurt. If you frequently suffer from painful gas and bloating, then an oxygen supplement like Colosan may be just what you need.

  •    You have a candida overgrowth.
If you frequently suffer from oral or genital thrush, then you might have a candida infection. Oxygen supplements can help to address the issue by creating conditions that the candida infection dislikes.

  •           You frequently feel tired and run down.
OK, so this is a common side effect of modern life, but sometimes the solution can be as simple as taking a supplement. For some people, an oxygen supplement will help to boost their energy levels massively.

  •         You have tried colon cleansers but they have not worked.
Oxygen supplements serve to clean the colon. If you have undergone other treatments, such as irrigation, then you might want to try a less invasive solution, such as a supplement. We would recommend it as your first port of call before opting for anything more invasive.

We hope that you now have a better understanding of the types of symptom that can be addressed with an oxygenated supplement. If you would like further information, then please visit https://www.thefinchleyclinic.com

How You Can Help Boost Skin Health

We’re always being told to boost our skin by rubbing lotions and potions into it, but actually, there are natural ways to boost skin health. Today, we’re going to look at five things that you can do to boost the health of your skin.

1.       Increase the amount of dark green vegetables that you eat.
These tend to contain a lot of vitamin a and c, both of which are vital to healthy skin. You will find after increasing the amount of things like Kale, spinach, and broccoli that your skin will feel and look much better. The only thing we would warn against is eating it raw as the oxalic acid can actually damage your teeth. That’s why green smoothies can sometimes make your mouth feel really odd, and in extreme cases, even cause blistering.

2.       Increase the amount of water you drink if you drink less than 1.5lt per day.
If you've never tracked water intake, start doing it now. Dehydrating is one of the leading causes of skin problems. If you find you regularly drink less than the recommended daily intake, then start upping levels. You will generally feel your health improve significantly.

3.       Take a probiotic supplement like Fivelac.
Fivelac¸ and other probiotics, can go a long way to improving the appearance of your skin. This is because they are responsible for minimising skin-damaging bacteria and yeast, such as the candida infection. They help to keep our skin clean and free from infection, and naturally, that helps to boost its appearance of health. Many people find their skin improves dramatically after including a probiotic in their diet. It’s great stuff.

We hope that you now have a decent idea about some of the things that you can do to improve your skin. They’re so simple, that you'll wonder why it took you so long to incorporate them.

If you would like further help and advice, please visit www.thefinchleyclinic.com

Friday 7 October 2016

Threelac Review by Mark Lester from The Finchley Clinic

Here is the Transcript of Threelac Review :

My name is Mark Lester and I run the Finchley Clinic.
I am going to talk briefly about Threelac.
I am very restricted in what I am allowed to say by EU regulations, drafted by and implemented by officials who nobody elected and who we pay a lot of taxes to keep them in their jobs.
Anyway enough of politics; let’s get on to Threelac.
It is a friendly bacteria supplement that I introduced about 12 or 13 years ago. I was the first person selling it anywhere in the EU and I came to know about it because I was selling some other products supplied by the same company at the time.
So, during a conversation with one of their employees, I was told that they were getting remarkable feedback from people with Candida overgrowth concerns with a new product called Threelac.
This was before my company, The Finchley Clinic, was even formed and I was just selling some other products from this company to my own patients.
So, anyway I ordered a few bottles of Threelac at a time and, as it’s quite expensive, I didn’t want to go mad.  I wasn’t sure whether anybody would be interested in buying it and prepared to try it.
Anyway, they did and very quickly they started to give me very good feedback on it. Many but not all of the people took it alongside another product, Oxygen Element Max.
In those days it was called Oxygen Element Plus. It is basically the same thing, which is supplied by the same supplier Global Health Trax. And when the two were taken together the results seemed to be better still.
I could talk about the health benefits of the oxygen for a lot longer, but I would like to stick with Threelac on this video.
Besides, with the oxygen I am restricted on what I am allowed to say. 
So, did Threelac work for everybody? No, and I would treat claims for any product that worked for anyone with a lot of suspicion.
I have had customers phone me up saying they’d used some sort of product that was guaranteed to work; well, it didn’t, which didn’t shock me because even if it was a good product it’s not going to work for all of the people all of the time, despite some of the rather silly claims that I see.
Did Threelac help a lot of those first people I sold it to? Yes, it did; with very good results.  Sometimes it was even within days, but more commonly the results were noticed after about 4 weeks. Sometimes even 8 weeks.
I have said most of what I wanted to say.  Please view our web pages for more information.  Again, we are limited in what we can say on the website, but we share as much as we can.
I particularly recommend reading the FAQs if you have got any questions, because 95% of the questions we are asked are answered on that page.  Thank you for listening and I hope you decide to try it.