Tuesday 28 April 2015

How Probiotic Supplements Can Help You to Feel Healthier

From acidophilus capsules to Danone’s Activia, we are seeing an increase in the number of products that are sold to us for their health benefits because they contain probiotics.
As a consumer, it’s important that you understand what you’re buying before you part with your cash. Here, we’re going to consider some of the positive side effects of using a probiotic supplement, such as acidophilus capsules, or eating probiotic rich foods, such as certain brands of yoghurt. The probiotic market is growing, and in 2016, it’s going to reach in the magnitude of billions in terms of industry. So, how can they help to make you feel healthier?

There have been hundreds of studies undertaken on the role of probiotics. There are different types of probiotic and some have an extremely beneficial role in the body. When we lack these probiotics, we can suffer from all kinds of health ailments. The health benefit of probiotics is proven repeatedly. Here are some of the benefits that we all experience from these bacteria with which we have a symbiotic relationship:

1. Digestion: perhaps the best-known effect that probiotics have on the body is in terms of digestion. Probiotics help us to digest and process food. They make sure that we absorb the optimum amount of benefit from the food that we eat. There are some less proven facts too, for instance, some studies have shown that they help with IBS, but other studies haven’t – it could be that they’re studying two different diseases, or different strains of probiotic, which could account for the difference.

2. Immune health: probiotics help to keep us healthy by ensuring that our immune systems respond optimally. Some people even claim that they help combat things like the common cold.

3. Weight loss: well, given their helpful role in digestion, it’s unsurprising that they may play a role in wealth loss too. If they make us better at absorbing nutrients, then the body will crave less food. There is some evidence to show that certain strains help us to digest certain foods in a different way, which aids with weight loss. For instance, some strains improve the way we use calcium, which in turn reduces the amount of fat that we absorb from cheese. So we eat cheese, but we don’t absorb as much fat from it.

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