Monday 8 February 2016

Diet and Supplements Should Eliminate Candida

It may surprise you, but candida is a more common problem that you may think.  There are various strains of the yeast fungus.  Any of these can occur again if you do not change your lifestyle.

You should begin with changing your diet because if you do not, no amount of dietary supplements will help you.

What is candida and how can you best combat it? The first thing that you have to do is to ban sugars, refined flours and yeast from your diet. The reason for this is that candida is a yeast fungus that thrives when these products are consumed.

Other factors that cause this fungus to thrive are a course of antibiotics, some birth control pills and underlying illnesses such as diabetes

When you experience an overgrowth, you could feel really under the weather. You may suffer bloating and flatulence, but an outbreak of thrush or a candida attack in the vagina is an outward sign that you are experiencing a proliferation of the yeast fungus.

When after a few weeks your symptoms die down you can introduce sugary foods such as fruits gradually. You will want to build up your immune responses so that the fungus can be kept in check.

Vegetables are a good thing to eat as they generally do not contain sugars.  If you like beetroot, you may want to eliminate this vegetable for a while as when cooked they have a high sugar content.

It is also beneficial to eliminate shellfish and prawns because the seas are polluted and they can contain high proportions of heavy metals, toxins and radioactive materials.

There are some good natural dietary supplements available that will help combatting candida.  They work by introducing increased amounts of oxygen to your intestinal tract.  They can either be probiotics or oxygenating preparations.

You need to understand that good bacteria love and need oxygen to survive.  Once a balance of your gut flora has been re-established the candida symptoms should subside.

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