Thursday 2 March 2017

Searching For Long Life

When we get old the degenerative process that gives us joint aches and pains along with wasting muscle and wrinkly skin, comes down to the reduction of one particular protein.

Collagen is often referred to as the glue that keeps us looking youthful. It’s the most abundant protein in the body as it’s found everywhere from skin to muscle and bones and blood.

It makes up all the sinew and cartilage and is therefore particularly necessary in joints preventing bone rubbing against bone.

Our grandparents instinctively knew the benefits of beef bone broth as it’s now shown to be a good source of collagen. But we can also take it in an easier form as a supplement called Collaflex.

There’s hardly any part of the body that doesn’t benefit from this top-up of collagen including the gut. A sufferer of leaky bowel syndrome that almost certainly means toxins absorbed into the blood, will usually derive benefit from taking this product.

It is thought to create connective tissues and therefore seals any weakened part of the gut lining. As humans have known from ancient times, gut problems can lead to a myriad number of seemingly unconnected illnesses.

There are several different types of naturally occurring collagen and apart from bone broth, most fish as well as egg-white are other examples of a good source.

We’ll never reverse ageing but we can at least strive to keep as fit and well as possible for as long as we can.
We talk about people ageing well or conversely, badly and it’s true that a sixty year old can look older than someone twenty years their senior. Collagen or lack of it, plays a very important part in these opposing appearances.

Just like any other protein and amino acid, some people just happen to have different levels. But if there is anything we can do to help top-up collagen then it must surely be worth taking products that in the long term are good for our well-being as well as appearance.

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