Monday 2 September 2013

Keep Well With A Healthy Outlook

Most of us have very little idea of the way the food we eat converts to energy and help us live to a ripe old age. We just feel hungry two or three times a day and eat until we are satisfied.

Unfortunately the amount of junk we eat is not really doing our bodies any good. Food preservation has been understood for centuries with the most common being to freeze, dry or salt. Pickling was and still is another alternative.

The real problem has arisen more recently with foods that are processed to the point where any beneficial substances are removed and the obvious example of this is white bread. Some years ago some nutritionists examined the contents of a breakfast cereal packet and concluded there was probably more goodness and fibre in the box it came in.

From the time the food reaches the stomach and travels along the alimentary canal most of the nutrients are absorbed and anything that is not goes out the back passage. Roughage is an essential part of this process to keep the lining clear but few of us eat enough as we go about our busy days and end in the evening with a ready prepared supermarket meal usually containing no roughage whatsoever and often with far too much salt and sugars.

The very delicate balance of bacteria in our systems can get out of sync with all this junk food and when we feel bloated it is possible there is too much debris in the system that needs to be expelled.
For some men this used to be sorted with five or six pints of a well-known black stout and an extra hot curry.

The less drastic and healthier way is to take a product like Fivelac that will achieve the same rush to the toilet but is probably healthier all round.

With five different probiotic bacteria it will help boost your immune system whilst providing the necessary natural resources to unblock and help remove unwanted waste.

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