Wednesday 9 October 2013


Most of us are guilty of not exercising enough and of eating the wrong type of food. The latter can be put down to the over processed products in supermarkets and the habit of getting takeaways which may also contain preservatives and additives we know nothing about.

Bad food and lack of exercise is a recipe for gut problems which most of us suffer in silence in the hope it will just go away.

The trouble is that recurring problems in this part of the body, by which we mean the lower abdomen and in particular the large intestine, can lead to even more serious problems if nothing is done about it.

The importance of both the small and large intestine cannot be overstated. They complete the final part of the food process by using enzymes secreted by other organs in the body and bacteria lining the whole gut, to extract the nutrients, salts and water we need to survive.

In the colon water is absorbed and what is supposed to be deposited down the toilet should be something of a certain consistency and completed on a regular basis of perhaps two or three times a day.

If you experience bloating, flatulence and irregular bowel movements then it may be a trial of a helpful product such as oxy powder will put things back to order.

Most of these unpleasant symptoms come from some sort of impacted waste on the lining of the colon that needs shifting. The result of taking this powder will involve more frequent trips to the toilet and this is actually a good sign that it is doing what it says on the packet.

Once the colon is cleared the oxygen release will assist the good bacteria in claiming back the areas where waste was preventing it from working and theoretically should provide considerable relief.

The feedback from customers would indicate there is considerable success but if you do not get the same positive result then you will find other products here that are also worth trying.

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