Sunday 7 September 2014

Let’s Be Candid About Candida

Candida is a type of yeast that lives in the gut of most people without causing any problem but when it does explode in volume it creates unpleasant side effects that are embarrassing to the sufferer.

In nearly every case it comes down to a poor diet. As yeast it thrives on sugar and many sufferers of candidiasis find it is an over absorption of sugar, lack of exercise and generally poor diet that was the route of the problem.

An easily obtainable product that was designed to introduce a boost of oxygen into the intestines and known as Aerobic oxygen, has proved to be a useful and successful method of reducing outbreaks of candida.

It will only work if strict conditions are met with sensible diet regime. It should be obvious that all sugar products should be avoided and this includes beer and possibly wine. Other fungi such as mushrooms should be excluded from the diet and plenty of fresh vegetables should be eaten.

It also helps to cut back on meat as most supermarket products have all sorts of chemicals and hormone additives given to the animal when it was alive.

With the right diet and a daily dose of aerobic oxygen the candida should recede within a few months. The general results have been good but the diet should be continued if the problem is not to return.

In every sphere of healthcare there is a large majority that believe nearly every illness we contract can be ascribed to problems in the digestive system. The eight metres of digestive tract performs the miraculous task of keeping us alive with the majority of the population in complete ignorance of what goes on after they eat their food.

Most do not even realise that there are around a dozen vitamins and minerals that we must ingest just to stay alive and the importance of keeping a digestive system flowing freely and processing the right volume of healthy essential foods is the only way to keep healthy and sickness at bay.

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