Thursday 30 October 2014

5 Ways To A Healthy Gut

All sorts of cleaning fluids are advertised on television as the best way to wipe away and kill all bacteria and this is complete nonsense as the cloth undoubtedly spreads more across the surface.

Our bodies are packed with bacteria to the tune of over two kilo’s worth mainly in the digestive tract from mouth to anus with the greatest concentration in the large intestine.

Without certain bacteria in the intestines food would not get broken down enough to extract the nutrients that are absorbed through tiny blood capillaries lining the gut and thus complete the whole purpose of eating.

A good healthy diet and regular exercise should result in no problems in the digestive system but unfortunately modern over processed food usually means too much refined flour, too much sugar and refined carbohydrates.

Eventually the microorganisms in the gut get out of balance dealing with junk food and this becomes noticeable with a bloated feeling along with other problems such as constipation and headaches as well as a general irritability.

One of the microorganisms that live in small and usually well-contained numbers is a member of the yeast family known as candida. When this gets out of control it spreads throughout the gut lining and is usually eventually visible at the back of the throat.

As yeast it likes nothing better than sugar so any treatment should include a careful watch on diet and obviously a drastic reduction in sugar, alcohol and many other refined foods.

Fivelac is a gentle laxative that not only loosens and gives relief to impacted waste on the lining of the intestines but also brings as the name implies, five beneficial gut bacteria. These are named bacteria known universally as essential to aid digestion and you should think of them as the Calvary coming to the rescue.
There are similar products available but this has proved to be one of the more successful just judging from the feedback as well as the number of repeat orders at The Finchley Clinic to name just one supplier.
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