Tuesday 28 October 2014

Go Boating And End Bloating

If you ever have days when you feel bloated and possibly irritable with perhaps a headache then all of this could mean a problem with your digestive system and in particular the intestines.

It may also make you think about your eating habits and whether you have enough of the right stuff.

The human body needs around half a dozen different vitamins and the same number of minerals to stay healthy if not alive. These essentials mostly come from the food we eat but if you are unaware of these particular foods then you are likely to have problems.

It is possible to have too much in one day as is the case of vitamin C and for those who eat processed supermarket meals they will almost certainly suffer from too much salt.


Both the above mineral and vitamin are essential for good health but too much salt can raise blood pressure and too much Vitamin C can cause nausea and other side effects. 

Fortunately it is difficult to have too much vitamin C unless you are taking them in tablet form. Obtained naturally from a number of types of food most obviously citrus fruits and berries, the body ideally needs this vitamin daily as it cannot store excess. 

When not enough daily fresh vegetables and fruit are eaten and too much over-processed fatty foods are hurried down then the otherwise efficient intestines can become sluggish with bits of waste sticking to the sides.

When this happens you may think the answer is for a laxative but most of these are far too harsh and are not really treating the problem in the long term.

A healthy alternative is a product like Colosan capsules that get to work where it matters in the intestines and gently cleans the colon as the name implies.

It can mean initially more trips to the bathroom so it may be advisable to begin the course at the beginning of a weekend or whenever there are a couple of days break from work as the lavatory may be required more than usual.

For Colosan capsules  visit at thefinchleyclinic
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