Monday 15 December 2014

Antioxidants: Their Benefit for the Body

Antioxidants are a popular choice in health supplements. There’s good reason for this. They have a very important role to play in good health.
Here, we’re going to take a closer look at the antioxidant and explain exactly what they are, how they help us to stay healthy and where we can source them.

Antioxidants: What Are They?
Antioxidants prevent the spread of free radicals. Free radicals damage healthy body cells. How does this work?

Our bodies naturally create free radicals. Free radicals are atoms that are missing an electron. An atom is stable when it has a set number of subatomic particles (protons, neutrons and electrons); it is unstable when it has the wrong number of one of these particles.  When an atom lacks such a particle it will bump around into other atoms looking to release the particle and to stabilise itself, but while doing this, it makes the other atom unstable. When this happens in the human body, it is literally damaging cells by disturbing the atoms within these cells.

An antioxidant has an additional number of electrons. It looks to give it away to another atom that’s lacking such an electron. Therefore, it has the additional electron required by the free radical. When it finds a free radical it ‘gives’ away the spare electron and prevents the free radical from causing further damage to the cells.

Where Do We Find Antioxidants?
Antioxidants can be man-made, or they can be found in various foods and supplements, such asacai capsules. They are particularly prevalent in brightly coloured fruit and berries. This is why you will often see supplements such as acai capsules, cranberry juice and blueberries touted for their antioxidant effects.

If you are interested in buying acai capsules, then please visit thefinchleyclinic

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