Thursday 31 December 2015

14 Good Bacteria In 1

There are a number of supplements that contain high doses of good bacteria all known collectively as probiotics.
Most concentrate on three or five different strains but one has fourteen beneficial types of good bacteria.

Perhaps it’s just our poor dietary habits that make us want to take extra doses of bacteria as most of these can be found in just choosing the right food. Fermented vegetables are packed with good bacteria so our forefathers probably didn’t know it but preserving food that way was healthy.

In particular sauerkraut is exceptionally good at delivering good bacteria and most other pickled vegetable. Probiotics can also be found in live yoghurt and drinks such as kefir although the latter in its natural form is hard to find in the UK.

The product with fourteen good strains is called Bio Kult and is proving itself to be a popular choice especially in the UK where it is made.

Getting into the habit of taking probiotics can help build a cleaner digestive system and a healthier one as well. A good digestive system with the right food can prevent many health problems.

The immune system is developed in the gut and it’s essential in combating any number of infections. For thousands of years societies have instinctively known that a healthy diet and gut equates to a healthy body and there is still little evidence to think otherwise.

Most of these supplements are best taken on an empty stomach for the fairly obvious reason that the bacteria is intended to get into the intestines as soon as possible avoiding the tummy acids.

If there is food blocking the stomach it will slow the journey and will probably cancel out the intended benefits.

If this product becomes part of your daily routine then other changes should perhaps be made to your lifestyle. In particular a close look should be made on your diet and avoiding junk food is a good place to start.

Along with healthier eating and drinking most people would benefit with more regular exercise

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