Monday 28 December 2015

How looking your best this Christmas starts from the inside

December is notoriously known for being a month that is packed full of social commitments. Whether it’s an office party, a suave dinner at a fancy restaurant or a mini break away, no doubt you’ll have already started to think about what to wear in order to look your best.
It’s hardly surprising really because if ever there was a time to get glammed up and sparkle, its Christmas time. Whilst your initial thoughts might turn to dresses and heels in order to dazzle your friends and family, try thinking outside of the box, or even inside as the case may be.

The old saying that ‘beauty starts from within’ actually has some truth to it, because you can have the most amazing dress or ball gown, yet if you’re bloated and feeling lethargic, you still won’t be looking your best. So, in order to avoid that unfortunate situation, start thinking now about how to get yourself not only looking great, but feeling it too. One of the kindest things you can do for your body is to make sure that you get enough rest each night. The stress and strains of gift shopping and entertaining people can make it tempting to forgo an hour or two of sleep, but try to resist doing so as your body needs that time to replenish and recuperate after a hectic day.

It’s also worth considering a colon cleanser such as Fivelac to assist with breaking down any build-up of waste product in your digestive tract that can often become problematic. Supplements such as these can be easily purchased online at web shops such as The Finchley clinic, where the Fivelac reviews speak for themselves in terms of their effectiveness at keeping minor complaints, such as constipation, at bay. Some users even lesser the dose and keep taking them regularly in order to prevent any flare ups from occurring. The dose can be changed to suit your needs, but it is advised that you start off with a small dose and then gradually increase the number of sachets that you take as and when you need them.

Another way to keep yourself feeling good at this time of over indulgence, ensuring that you maintain a healthy digestive system to stop complaints like bloating, is to try your hardest to drink the recommended eight glasses of water a day to keep stools soft. This should stop constipation in its tracks. After all, the last thing you want to be feeling at Christmas is out of sorts because of a sluggish digestive system. Therefore, be kind to yourself this Christmas and give your body a little TLC- you certainly won’t regret it.

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