Tuesday 9 June 2015

Elementary Logic

In our modern age it is only rarely that diet will provide all the nutrients you need. The trouble is that external factors such as pollution and, dare I say it, excessive cleanliness in the home work adversely on our health.

Pollution, especially in cities has contributed to oxygen depletion and we only breathe in about half of what our forefathers did.  There is an answer to this problem in that you can buy dietary supplements such as Oxygen Element Max.  This product will bridge the gap between what we need and the shortcomings of our environment.

Low cellular oxygenation is a factor in the cause for cancer to develop.  It is understood that if cells do not get enough oxygen they cannot produce the energy needed.

If cells are deprived of this element they use sugar fermentation to sustain themselves.  It is this process that allows cancer cells to develop.  Of course, it is not the only cause for the cells to proliferate, but it is an important one.

Sugar fermentation is an anaerobic process.  This means that no oxygen is needed. Since cells need oxygen to thrive, it is not difficult to see that eventually they will die off or weaken.  Cells may become overloaded with toxins which produce a clogging effect.  The substandard quality of the cell wall will not allow nutrients to enter the cell body.

There are things that you can do to increase oxygen levels in your blood.  The first is to increase your exercise regime.  If you exercise by taking a walk your lungs will take in more air.  Walking also gets the circulation going.

The second option is to take Oxygen Element Max as a supplement to your diet.  It is not easy for the extra oxygen to reach the bodily cells.  For this reason the above product, which helps oxygenation, is developed in such a way that when it hits water in your body it releases oxygen.

For maximum benefit to your body, you may want to use the supplement together with probiotic products.

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