Thursday 4 June 2015

What Digestive Enzymes Do

Active digestive enzymes are biological catalysts that break down foods so that our body can take up the nutrients that are released.

You can eat the right foods to get the benefit of good nutrition and enzymes.  The best way for you to do this is to juice all food and vegetables.  This day and age it is impractical for you to do this 100% of the time.

The reason for eating foods in their raw state is because the cooking process destroys enzymes and they become deactivated.  This will cause our bodies to work harder to produce the necessary enzymes which will have to happen. If there are not enough enzymes some of our foods will remain undigested.

When the energy needed to produce enzymes is diverted from other bodily necessities, such as building muscles, for instance our health could start to suffer.  It is for this reason that you may want to add one of the various active digestive enzymes dietary supplements.  This is the easiest way to make sure that your digestive system is working properly.

Poorly digested foods can lead to all kinds of problems.  They range from yeast fungi feasting themselves on left over debris to having a leaky gut.  The yeast spores produce toxins as a by-product.

When this happens you will start to feel unwell.  You may experience an outbreak of candida which produces uncomfortable symptoms in your private area.

You need to realise there are two kinds of supplements.  The first one is the supplement that is made of synthetic enzymes.  These are not to be recommended as these tend not to be recognised by the body and are, therefore, expelled without being utilised.

If you are going to add a supplement that will work for you, you will have to find a product that has been naturally produced.  You could say that they are produced in a whole food form.  There are many mediocre products out there for sale.  With a little research you will be able to find a proper plant based dietary product that will help you stay healthy.

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