Sunday 14 June 2015

Possible Side Effects of Colon Cleansers and How to Remedy Them

Colon cleansers, such as Oxy Powder, are becoming increasingly popular, and alongside this increase in use, is an increase in side effects.
Below, we’re going to consider some of the most common side effects and explain how to avoid them or minimise the risk.

1.Dehydration: Often, a colon cleanse means that the bowels evacuate rapidly. When this happens, a lot of water is often lost too; you’ll know if this happens because you’ll have diarrhoea, which, for want of a better expression, is like a waterfall of faecal matter. The massive loss of water can lead to dehydration. To minimise the risk of dehydration you need to replace all lost fluids and drink at least a litre of fluid before you take the preparation, e.g. take the supplement at 3pm and drink a litre of water between the time you wake up and the time you take the Oxy Powder.

2.Bowel perforations: occasionally, taking a colon cleanser can cause bowel perforations. This happens in people who are already susceptible to such issues, such as those people with diverticulitis. To minimise the risk, talk to your doctor and have a check-up done of your lower digestive system.

3.Increased risk of infection: colon cleansers can flush out some of the friendly bacteria from your body. This can open you up to the risk of infection because your immune system is somewhat weaker. To avoid this, take a probiotic supplement alongside your Oxy Powder. We recommend taking a product with several different strains of probiotic, such as Fivelac.

4.Electrolyte imbalance: electrolytes are your body’s salts – these aren’t the same salts that you find on your kitchen table, although one of them is. There are many different salts in the body and each has an important role. These salts include potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, sulphate, chloride, sodium and bicarbonate. Each has an important role in the body and need to remain in balance. To avoid electrolyte imbalance consume an electrolyte-rich drink. You can buy them in most supermarkets.

Most people can take a colon cleanser supplement without any adverse effects, but it’s important to be aware of the risks.

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