Tuesday 16 June 2015

How to Treat Recurrent Diarrhoea

Recurrent diarrhoea is one of the most infuriating conditions to have, but it’s also a condition about which very few people talk.
It’s probably not out of a sense of embarrassment, but rather because it’s relatively rare. Well, if you suffer from recurrent bouts of diarrhoea, implementing the following advice can help.

•Change your diet: the first thing you need to do is establish whether it’s caused by something in your diet. I have a friend who suddenly started to get regular diarrhoea. She did an elimination diet and it turned out she’d developed an allergy to dairy. She cut dairy out of her diet and the diarrhoea has gone. Try an elimination diet to see if you’ve developed an intolerance to certain food groups; these allergies can start in adulthood, most people don’t realise that.

•Try a supplement: if you have recurrent diarrhoea, then a supplement, such as Colosan, can help to prevent it. Colosan works by eliminating toxins and compacted faecal matter from the intestines, which are a leading cause of diarrhoea.

•Clean the food preparation area: sometimes, recurrent bouts of diarrhoea happen because a bacteria has taken hold in the food preparation area in the kitchen. You will need to use bleach (or other bacterial removers) to clean all of the sides in the kitchen. Make sure that you also clean plates, cutlery and kitchen cupboards – basically, anything that you touch while preparing food will need cleaning.

•Take a course of antibiotics: it could be that you have a ‘bad bacteria’ that has taken hold in your digestive tract. To deal with this, you need an antibiotic. Visit your doctor and explain the symptoms and they’ll prescribe an appropriate antibiotic.

•Take a probiotic: finally, it could be that your digestive flora is imbalanced. Taking a probiotic supplement can help to repopulate the digestive system appropriately.

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