Monday, 15 December 2014

Antioxidants: Their Benefit for the Body

Antioxidants are a popular choice in health supplements. There’s good reason for this. They have a very important role to play in good health.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Eating for a Healthy Bowel

Bowel health is important. It’s probably the second most important system in the body, after the brain.

Monday, 8 December 2014

What Is Oxidisation and How Do Antioxidants Help?

You’d have to be living under a rock to never hear of antioxidants. It’s all the rage in health shops up and down the country.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Cool Cleansing Colosan

As the name of the product implies Colosan is taken by mouth and designed to clean the colon and this is considered by many to be a safer and less drastic method than colonic irrigation that in any case only cleans a smaller part of the intestines.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

5 Ways To A Healthy Gut

All sorts of cleaning fluids are advertised on television as the best way to wipe away and kill all bacteria and this is complete nonsense as the cloth undoubtedly spreads more across the surface.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Go Boating And End Bloating

If you ever have days when you feel bloated and possibly irritable with perhaps a headache then all of this could mean a problem with your digestive system and in particular the intestines.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Vitamin C Boost from Brazilian Jungle

Many modern medicines are derived from natural plants and with scientific research they are usually copied to be reproduced synthetically replicating the active parts of the original organic matter.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Healthy Supplement Booster With Dozen of Essential Vitamins and Minerals

The human body needs around a dozen different vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and alive. A lack of any one of them can lead to health problems and this is why there is a booming market in health supplements.

Monday, 8 September 2014

Capture All The Goodness In A Single Capsule

The Acai berry grows on the tops of a particular type of palm tree in the Brazilian jungle and for many thousands of years has been eaten by indigenous people not just because it tastes delicious but because it has always been recognised as having health giving properties particularly in energising.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Let’s Be Candid About Candida

Candida is a type of yeast that lives in the gut of most people without causing any problem but when it does explode in volume it creates unpleasant side effects that are embarrassing to the sufferer.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Not Only Lungs Need Oxygen

When the new baby is born often with a smack to his or her bum the rude arrival into this world elicits a scream.

Colosan For A Cleaner Colon

If you ever suffer from a bloated feeling in the intestines or suffer constipation and irregular bathroom visits it may be time to look at possible ways of moving things along.

Thursday, 10 July 2014

3 Or 5 Is There Any Difference With Probiotics?

Probiotic comes from the Greek meaning for long life and is it true you can get this in a bottle?

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Do You Know What Your Appendix Is For?

First of all you should know how important bacteria are and what it does inside your gut from mouth to anus.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Are 5 Of These Better Than 3?

Size doesn’t always matter, or that’s what someone lacking something might say but if a product that purports to help sufferers get over a bout of candida overgrowth claims three good probiotics work, why would they need to market a product with five probiotics called Fivelac?

Monday, 7 July 2014

Essential Elements For Body And Soul

The interpretation of the five elements varies and depends upon whether you prefer the Chinese version or the Japanese one.

Who Wants 2 Feel Fitter?

In recent decades the importance of a strict diet regime for top professional athletes has led to many at the top of their sport to have a full-time nutritionist as part of their team.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

The Colossal Advantage Of Colosan

It is relatively easy to give your colon a spring clean.  There are various ways to do this and the most convenient way is to add a dietary product such as Colosan to your daily eating regime. 

An alternative approach to colon cleansing

Many diseases have become more prevalent in our modern times.  This is certainly true of digestive ailments such as IBS, Crohns disease and irritable bowel syndrome. 

Ways To Clean The Colon

The best way to keep the digestive tract flowing freely and leading to two or three motions every day is to follow a healthy diet.

Friday, 6 June 2014

What is Fivelac and How to use it

If you do not feel quite right you need to fight to get your fitness back again and not stick your head in the sand and hope that things will get better eventually. 

Thursday, 5 June 2014

An Alternative Approach To A Healthy Gut

When we talk of a healthy gut we should perhaps use the correct English and talk about the human gastrointestinal tract.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Threelac Is Not A Scam, Three Amigos Working Together

As with all things in life if you want to remain healthy you have to strive for it.  It is not difficult to do if you make some minor amendments to your lifestyle. 

Cautions To Consider When Using Aerobic Oxygen

During the last century scientists have continually sought to harness the properties of oxygen in dietary products and one example is the formulation of Aerobic oxygen.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Alternative remedies for Poor Blood Circulation

From a cardio vascular point of view aerobics is exercising whereby we increase the amount of air that we take in.  It is beneficial for the circulatory system and for strengthening muscles.

Monday, 2 June 2014

What people usually say about Oxy Powder

Stomach disorders can be caused by various things.  In our modern world the most obvious ones are bad eating habits and a stressful lifestyle. 

Thursday, 3 April 2014


Good and bad bacteria exist in and on our bodies and although they cannot be seen by the human eye every adult has over two kilos of them.


In one of our national newspapers today was an article about an IBS sufferer’s plight about the debilitating effects that this condition was having on her life. 


The main action of Fivelac is to introduce friendly bacteria direct to our gastro intestinal tract.  Taking this supplement has many advantages, such as strengthening our immune responses to outside pathogens. 


If you want your body to remain healthy well into ripe old age you will have to work at it.  It is like anything else, if you do not look after possessions they will either be lost or they will stop working.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014


In our modern world we have become somewhat reliant on modern medicine to cure our winter infections or other problems.  We are now seeing the consequences of the over prescription of antibiotics over the course of many decades.


Aerobic oxygen is a very useful supplement to keep in your medicine cabinet as it clears up numerous health complaints.  Rather than reach for the antibiotics, you can treat chest complaints, lack of energy, asthma naturally. 


Most illnesses begin in the digestive tract.  It is obvious that we need to keep our digestion healthy for everything else to run like a well-oiled machine. 


There was an interesting article today on the internet about heartburn.  It is now believed that this condition indicates that the balance of hydrochloric acid present to deal effectively with food is lacking. 

Monday, 27 January 2014

Where It All Began

Two hundred and fifty years ago the analgesic we now call aspirin was discovered by a man at Oxford University from the bark of a willow tree.

Get Busy Eating Well

In society today children seem to be allowed to eat and drink whatever they like without parents teaching them the value of appreciating nutrition.

Keep A Healthy Diet

Lack of exercise and a rotten diet ensures that the UK like many other western societies is producing too many fat children.

Start Healthy Eating

The message still does not seem to be getting through that what we eat is what we become and it is now estimated that within ten years there will be more clinically obese people than others.

Clear The Way Safely

A digestive system that is in difficulty with anything from constipation or the opposite with too much wind with bloating if left unresolved will always lead to some medical problem either slight or serious over time.